ACREX Hall of Fame

Tue Mar 29 14:04:56 CST 2016 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 1345

About: ACREX Hall of Fame

  • Danfoss and ISHRAE have come together and instituted the ACREX Hall of Fame, a first of its kind initiative
  • ACREX Hall of Fame will be a platform to recognize, celebrate and benchmark Air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC & R) projects in India
  • ACREX Hall of Fame is a coveted recognition for future HVAC&R projects
  • Architects, HVAC&R professionals, Builders, Contractors and other stakeholders are encouraged to utilize the experience of the inducted projects and replicate towards ensuring an energy efficient and environment friendly India

Back Ground:

ISHRAE: The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), was founded in 1981 at New Delhi by a group of eminent HVAC&R professionals. ISHRAE today has more than 12,000 HVAC&R professionals as members and additionally there are 7,500 Student-members. ISHRAE operates from 41 Chapters and sub Chapters spread all over India, with HQ in Delhi. It is led by a team of elected officers, who are members of the Society, working on a voluntary basis, and collectively called the Board of Governors.

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC &R) is an important focus area for India as 2/3rd of buildings that will exist in 2030 are yet to be built. It is hence important that energy efficient equipment and smart HVAC systems are used in these buildings. The Indian heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) market is expected to grow by 30 per cent to over Rs 20,000 crore over the next two years, mainly due to increase in construction activity in infrastructure and real estate sectors.

  1. Given the growth of the sector and effect it has on the energy footprint, it should be implemented in a sustainable manner.
  2. HVAC&R industry will have a large impact on Make in India and Smart Cities
  3. Practice of sustainable building is really about an integrated approach towards planning, designing, construction, operations, and maintenance. Having the right standards and codes for buildings will assist in a green future.

While it is general practice to look outside India for best use case projects which have displayed energy saving capabilities, we have examples in India which can be benchmarked globally. It is vital to look at these success stories within India which can be emulated by others in the industry.

Key Criteria for INDUCTION

  • Energy Performance Index
  • IEQ Initiatives (Indoor Air Quality)
  • Energy Saving Initiatives including Renewable Energy
  • Building Management System including HVAC&R
  • One year operational data
  • New Building/Retrofit should not be more than (3+1) year old for the year of induction


  • ISHRAE members nominate projects as per format decided by Jury members
  • ISHRAE technical committee scrutinizes the entries
  • Further information solicited from projects
  • Detailed evaluation by Technical committee
  • Final shortlisted projects presented to Jury
  • Jury selects project/s for INDUCTING into ACREX Hall of Fame

Editor: Amy Qiao