Armacell Presents New Products at ACREX India 2016

Fri Apr 01 11:56:45 CST 2016 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 1934

Armacell presents new products at ACREX India 2016, including its cell insulation material and covering solution.

Cell Insulation Material

Armaflex Class O is EPD approved product offering form Armacell India. It has excellent technical parameters like low thermal conductivity [λ0°C≤ 0.035 W/(m∙K)] and high water vapour diffusion resistance (μ ≥ 7,000). Furthermore, the EPD product gives increased long-term thermal efficiency owing to its closed cell structure which prevents condensation throughout its life. Armaflex Class O is a highly flexible, closed-cell insulation material with high water vapour diffusion resistance and low thermal conductivity. It prevents condensation, reduces energy losses and protects against frost on pipes, air ducts and vessels. Armaflex Class O is suitable for hot and cold water services, chilled water lines, heating systems, air conditioning ductwork, refrigerated pipework, process and industrial pipework and equipment. Armaflex Class O is available in sheets and tubes.

Covering Solution

ArmaChek Silver 350 is a multi-layer laminate of aluminium, coated with special UV protection and a polymer backing. It is a professional covering system with a bright metallic finish to provide mechanical resistance with an excellent aesthetic look. Formed with highly flexible, 3-layer composite film of metallic appearance with aluminium intermediate layer, it gives excellent mechanical and UV protection. It is easy to install maintain and clean. The material installation is time saving in comparison with metal jacketing and reduces the risk of galvanic corrosion. With excellent mechanical, UV and weather resistance, this material forms an excellent insulation covering solution for HVAC. The material also comes with inherent curl-effect for maximum security on pipes. This product is Greenguard Gold Certified for low chemical emissions. This highly efficient covering solution is widely used in Pharmaceutical, Process and Construction Industries and is available in a range of silver covering on rolls and in pre-fabricated elbows, tees and end caps.

Editor: Amy