The Institute of Refrigeration Annual Conference to Take Place at the ACR Show

Tue Dec 22 10:41:21 CST 2015 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 714

The Institute of Refrigeration is pleased to announce that on 18th February 2016 it will be holding its Annual Conference at the ACR Exhibition at the NEC in Birmingham. The Conference, “Emissions, Energy and Eco-design”, will explore how energy and emission saving in component and system design are being achieved. The programme will help re-evaluate current strategies and support those who want to develop improved approaches to environmental challenges. At the same time it will identify how the sector can benefit from the opportunities offered by new markets and the emerging green economy.

This will be the first time that the annual conference has been held in the Midlands, at the same time as the RACHP sector specific ACR Show. The programme has been designed to allow visitors to maximise their time by visiting the exhibition either before or after the conference. The Institute itself will be present at the show with a general stand staffed mainly by volunteer members, and a series of short training events for technicians and engineers. The Annual Conference compliments this presence by offering member and non-member visitors an opportunity to look at one of the most critical long term issues that will affect all refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump technologies and users.

“Reducing energy usage and emissions is one of the greatest challenges face by the RACHP sector”, according to Chris Green MInstR, Chairman of the Conference Planning group. “This conference will provide practical insights into the issues looking at case studies and examples of efficiency achievements and savings, not just in the UK but internationally. It will provide delegates with a wider perspective on the opportunities and challenges faced with the continuous strive for greater efficiency, and minimising the lifetime impact of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump systems.”

Speakers will share both information and practical experience – with a series of case studies of innovation. Presentations will focus on design standards including the changing requirements of European Safety Standards and the likely impact of proposed revisions to EN378, how companies are meeting and exceeding efficiency targets driven by the Eco-Design Directive and updates on international policy including the proposed amendments to Montreal Protocol. The Institute of Refrigeration conferences attract leading expert – who will offer both written summaries of the key points they are to share as well as giving non-commercial presentations. There will be time built into the programme to allow those taking part in ask questions or raise related issues of the speakers.

Speakers confirmed so far include Dr Andy Pearson Chairman of RHE18 the Refrigeration Safety Standard Committee responsible for the UK contribution to the new EN378, Judith Evans of RD&T an expert in efficiency programmes, Daniel Colbourne member of the UNEP Refrigeration Technical Options Committee (TOC) for the Montreal Protocol and Julie-Ann Adams from Really Green Credentials.

Bookings are now open and attendance fees start from £50 and include lunch and a full set of conference proceeding. The event will start at 10.30 am and conclude at 2.30 pm. All attendees will receive a complete set of conference proceedings including summary papers, related documents and standards where available and copies of the presentations. A light buffet lunch is also included. The support of the ACR Show organisers is acknowledged in providing the venue for this event and has helped to ensure it is accessible and low cost. Sponsorship opportunities are also being offered – see the website for details.

Editor: sysadmin