Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change project in Costa Rica

Sun Apr 23 08:43:14 CST 2023 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 1873

As part of the activities of the Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change (C4 II) project in Costa Rica, stakeholder meetings took place between 27th and 31st of March with the public sector, training institutes and the private sector.

Promoting Green Cooling means joining forces. As different stakeholders play key roles in the sector, communication between the groups, meeting the people behind the names, and discussing the promotion of Green Cooling is vital for the future development of the RAC sector on the journey towards a sustainable future. No doubt, that meetings of project partners are always enhancing progressive thoughts for the people involved. This goes as much for past meetings as it is true for the meetings in Costa Rica held this week, where colleagues from the C4 II project are enhancing cooperation with different partners.

But not only were the local ministries that support C4II invited to the table to discuss mitigation actions of the refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) sector within Costa Rica’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Further, training sites supported by the Proklima project were visited to strengthen the cooperation with the training institutes Fundación Samuel, Ministerio de Educación Pública (MEP) Siquirres and Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA). Last year training modules were provided to the institutes and are now successfully used in hands-on trainings for local RAC technicians and Trainings of Trainers. Today, the modules play an integral role in practical sessions which are part of the RAC technician qualification.

Find out more on our website about: refrigeration, air conditioning

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Editor: Amanda