EMI to launch programme on CO2 rack units

Mon Feb 21 09:39:23 CST 2022 Source: www.refindustry.com Collect Reading Volume: 1618

Eurovent Market Intelligence (EMI) is launching a new programme on transcritical CO2 racks and CO2 condensing units. HVACR manufactures are invited to participate and receive reliable future market trends.

C02-powered solutions, which were formerly considered as a niche market, are now spreading more in Europe, in food retail, food industry and warehouses. However, it is difficult to have visibility today on the real coverage of the market. This has resulted in the EMI, the most renowned HVACR statistics office in Europe with more than 400 participants, to start a new collection on transcritical CO2 racks and CO2 condensing units.

All manufacturers in the sector are welcome to participate, as the aggregated results of this collection will enable them to know, reliably and confidentially, their position in this market, and its future trends. Participating manufacturers could also choose to receive two free reports of a related market, such as adiabatic coolers, coolers, or medium and high-capacity chillers.

If you are interested and would require additional information or to receive these reports, contact Eurovent Market Intelligence via statistics@eurovent-marketintelligence.eu / https://www.eurovent-marketintelligence.eu.

Editor: Amanda