Heat pump efficiency with 100% fresh air

Thu Aug 13 13:45:17 CST 2020 Source: coowor.com Collect Reading Volume: 6957

Daikin Applied has introduced its next generation of heat pump technology that provides heating and cooling in all conditions using 100% fresh air.

The Daikin SmartSource Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS), features Daikin’s SmartBoost Heat Technology, which allows for air as cold as 0ºF (-18ºC) to enter without any pre-heating. At the same time it achieves 49% higher than ASHRAE 90.1-2016 minimum efficiency.

“Striking the right balance between maintaining fresh, clean air throughout a building—and doing so cost-effectively—is no simple task, but it’s increasingly important today as we think about how to achieve healthy indoor environments,” said Alan Youker, Daikin Applied product manager. 

The SmartSource DOAS taps a water source heat pump’s hot gas reheat coil in addition to the unit’s primary DX coil. The resulting heating efficiencies—up to 5.1 ISCOP2 per AHRI 920-2020—coupled with the latest advancements in electronically commutated motors and industry-leading shaftless blower technology help ensure premium performance.

It employs tandem scroll compressors providing eight stages of heating and cooling control, ranging from 100% to 30% operating capacity.

Programmable options allow either constant or variable airflow control, ranging from 70 to 200% of nominal airflow, and external static pressures over 2in achieved at nominal unit airflow.

Editor: Nina Li