Carrier Refrigeration Benelux Supports 'Green Deal Climate Friendly Refrigeration’ Project

Wed Mar 31 17:13:34 CST 2021 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 1086

Carrier Commercial Refrigeration Benelux is one of the key players in the ‘Green Deal Climate Friendly Refrigeration - Phasing out F-gases in supermarkets and food stores’ project, which took effect on 12 March 2021.

This ‘Green Deal’ is a voluntary agreement between partners, including Carrier, and the Flemish government to start a green project together for additional measures to reduce emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases), on top of the current reduction policy. Carrier together with other players in the retail sector, refrigeration installation and maintenance companies, suppliers and manufacturers of equipment, the sector federations and the Flemish government commit themselves to reducing the use of F-gases as a refrigerant in supermarkets and food stores by focusing on more sustainable refrigeration. Learn more hereopen_in_new.

Carrier Commercial Refrigeration Benelux is pleased to sponsor this Green Deal, with the aim to play its part in further decreasing emissions. A strong leader in CO2 commercial refrigeration technology, Carrier has pioneered the use of natural refrigerants in the food retail industry since decades and is continuously investing in research & development to improve our products and processes while protecting the environment. Using the natural refrigerant CO with a GWP of 1, this technology represents one of the industry’s most energy efficient and environmentally sustainable solutions for commercial refrigeration.

On 9 December 2019, the Flemish government approved the Flemish Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030, setting the guidelines for climate policy for this period in the Flemish region. The plan underlines additional measures to further reduce the use of F-gases as refrigerants, thereby reducing the emission of F-gases to a minimum by 2030 –i.e. F-gas emissions significantly decreased to virtually zero. Fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) are widely used in the Flemish region as a refrigerant in cooling equipment, air-conditioning systems and heat pumps – to name but a few. These gases have a strong global warming potential (GWP). The emissions are caused by either the leakage of these gases when used in cooling installations, or the inadvertent recovery of the gas residue when the installations are decommissioned.

The Green Deal Climate Friendly Refrigeration is an initiative of the professional federations COMEOS, Frixis, Agoria and the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency (VEKA) in collaboration with the retail sector, refrigeration companies, Buurtsuper, RECUPEL, VLAIO and OVAM.

Editor: Amanda