Mitsubishi Electric introduces the new corporate strategy

Tue Jun 02 09:46:43 CST 2020 Source: Refrigeration Indust... Collect Reading Volume: 12318

“The world economy is expected to suffer a significantly adverse impact from the pandemic. The economic growth rate is expected to slow significantly compared to the previous fiscal year, and we expect that this will have a significant impact on our business performance. While ensuring that employment is maintained, we will work to minimize the impact on business results even if it takes a long time for the pandemic to end.

Nonetheless, we expect that measures to prevent the spread of the disease will bring dramatic changes to the values of humanity, including lifestyles, work styles, business styles, and communication methods. FY2020 is a milestone year, as it marks the 100th anniversary of our founding. We will incorporate new values into our own working styles, while uniting all the capabilities inside and outside of the Group, in order to respond to changing demand and to address social challenges.”, - Takeshi Sugiyama, President & CEO.

Corporate Mission

The Mitsubishi Electric Group will continually improve its technologies and services by applying creativity to all aspects of its business. By doing so, we enhance the quality of life in our society.

Seven Guiding Principles


Trust: Establish relationships with society, customers, shareholders, employees, and business partners based on strong mutual trust and respect.

Quality: Provide the best products and services with unsurpassed quality.

Technology: Pioneer new markets by promoting research and development, and fostering technological innovation.

Citizenship: As a global player, contribute to the development of communities and society as a whole.

Ethics and Compliance: In all endeavors, conduct ourselves in compliance with applicable laws and high ethical standards.

Environment: Respect nature, and strive to protect and improve the global environment.

Growth: Assure fair earnings to build a foundation for future growth.



Mitsubishi Electric will provide integrated solutions to address diversifying social challenges, in the four fields of Life, Industry, Infrastructure and Mobility, uniting all the capabilities inside and outside of the Group. For this purpose, we will enhance our business foundation fostered over the past 100 years and further transform business models.

Editor: Amy Ge