A Successful Collaboration Between ASERCOM And EPEE At CHILLVENTA 2018

Mon Oct 29 16:29:46 CST 2018 Source: coowor.com Collect Reading Volume: 27954

Chillventa is always a highlight on the HVACR calendar, and ASERCOM, the Association of European Refrigeration Component Manufacturers, and EPEE, The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment, are delighted to have joined forces again this year with two joint events and a joint booth, ideal platforms to discuss the role of the HVACR sector in Europe.


This year’s ASERCOM + EPEE Symposium on Monday 15 October provided a unique occasion to learn about the digitalisation of the HVACR sector, discuss related challenges – such as data protection, cybersecurity, and interoperability – and opportunities and exchange views on the role of legislation and policies to reap the benefits of this fourth industrial revolution.

Wolfgang Zaremski, ASERCOM’s President, said on this occasion: “Cybersecurity is now a priority for ASERCOM. HVAC&R components such as controllers, protection relays, sensors or frequency inverter increasingly have connectivity features and run the risk of a cyber-attack. We have therefore carried out a risk analysis for connected condensing units and compressor racks and issued concrete guidelines to ensure the security of the HVAC&R components from the architecture of the installation to the decommissioning of the system”.

The Symposium also put the EU Energy Efficiency rules and F-Gas Regulation in a broader context. Two interactive panel sessions offered an opportunity for participants to engage with speakers from different horizons, shed light on energy and climate issues from a national, European and global perspective and discuss how these levels are increasingly interlinked.

Andrea Voigt, EPEE’s Director General, explains: “The HVAC&R sector is committed to work with other stakeholders across the value chain and with decision-makers to make the EU F-Gas Regulation and the Ecodesign framework a success on the ground. Two leaflets developed with AREA, EFCTC and ASERCOM, which call on contractors to stop using high GWP refrigerants and to get ready for flammable refrigerants, or our ASERCOM-EPEE symposium at Chillventa are just some examples of how EPEE raises awareness on the EU rules. And we go even further by taking a proactive approach to address upcoming challenges and opportunities.For example, just looking at product efficiency in terms of Ecodesign requirements will not be enough anymore in the future. We need to take a more integrated approach to tap into the full potential of our sector. This means thermal storage, demand response, automation and control solutions and much more. We can make a tremendous contribution to the EU’s climate and energy goals and we take this responsibility very seriously.

The joint cocktail organised with AREA was also an excellent opportunity to discuss and network with our members and guests the current and future challenges for the HVACR sector in a more informal setting.

Finally, ASERCOM and EPEE teams managed an information booth to answer any question Chillventa participants had on our associations’ priorities and the impact of legislative and regulatory developments on the HVAC&R sector – and much more.

Editor: Nina Li