Danfoss at MCE 2016

Thu Mar 24 15:32:16 CST 2016 Source: coowor.com Collect Reading Volume: 1316

Technologies for sustainable urban efficiency

From solutions for smart district energy grids to low-GWP supermarkets and high efficient heating, cooling and air conditioning systems - visit Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2016 to discover how Danfoss is engineering tomorrow’s sustainable cities – today.

It is estimated that over 50% of the world’s population now lives in cities and urban areas. The ever growing cities play a crucial role in fulfilling the targets of the COP21 climate deal. And there is no reason to wait to take action. Technologies are already widely available to deliver more than one third of the required energy savings through energy efficient solutions.

Discover how Danfoss is engineering tomorrow’s sustainable cities

At the Danfoss stands (Heating, Hall 7 - Stand G41 K42) and (Cooling & Drives, Hall 22 - Stand S31 U40) - visitors can experience some of the most innovative and energy efficient technologies that can inspire urban efficiency and discover how Danfoss helps forward-thinking decision makers to meet new regulations and cut energy consumption by up to 40% and combat the challenges of climate change.

Editor: Amy Qiao