Epta’s Sustainable Innovation

Fri Sep 15 09:56:51 CST 2023 Source: www.refindustry.com Collect Reading Volume: 25286

Sustainable innovation, at the heart of Epta’s integrated vision, contributes with the operational and financial performance to the creation of a long-term socially and environmentally shared value. Epta reflects this mindset through significant investments in innovative solutions and services for commercial refrigeration, confirming its role as Green Transition Enabler and its compliance with the ESG principles, essential features of the corporate culture.

In the last three-year period, the Group has allocated 59 million euros, 32 in 2022, to technologies and innovations to support growth, conducted in the Innovation Centre and in 10 R&D centres for more than 140 registered patents. For the Group, being eco-friendly means putting in place initiatives, measured over time according to specific KPI, to reduce the impact of its processes and products, for which the company allocated 1.8 million euros, in 2022 alone.

Epta reflects sustainability in different macro areas, integrated into the business operational model: development of products and efficient and natural systems, relations with suppliers, with its EptaPeople and management and enhancement of environmental capital.

Epta creates natural and long-term efficidency, thanks to its advanced and constantly evolving technologies, most notably:

  • The FTE, ETE and XTE systems, developed respectively in 2018, 2021 and 2023, technologies able to guarantee efficient operation of the CO2 transcritical systems at every latitude and in any climate condition.
  • The Best in class cabinets branded Costan and Bonnet Névé, in which energy performance is optimised and certified in terms of energy labelling by the third party EUROVENT.
  • The digital services in which two advanced diagnostic platforms, LineON and SwitchON of EptaService, respectively for plug-in and remote cabinets and refrigeration packs, provide information on technical aspects and on the operation of refrigerated cabinets for a higher energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Epta promotes a responsible Supply Chain

The goal of Epta is to promote a more responsible and sustainable Supply Chain, compliant with ESG criteria, thanks to the adoption of packaging which is completely eco-compatible and re-usable in the production process. In addition, the Group has recently launched a project of Due diligence of the Supply Chain, in association with EcoVadis, first rating provider on the sustainability of companies, geared to monitoring and measuring the performance of its 2700 global suppliers.  

The ethical approach of Epta: people at the centre

The ethical approach of Epta in managing its EptaPeople combines the ever-growing attention to social themes such as Multiculturalism, Inclusion and Gender Equality with the vast offer of structured programmes of training and technical courses for EptaPeople and the new generations.

Epta looks to the future of the Environment

Epta looks to the future of the environment, also improving its environmental performance. Over the last three years the company has boasted a reduction of 19% in CO2 emissions, a reduction of 29% in the consumption of water resources and reached the goal of 92% recycled waste. By 2025, Epta also aims to increase the supply of renewables, reduce by 55% its carbon footprint, increasing, at the same time, internal energy production thanks to the 14,000 m2 surface of photovoltaic panels.


Find out more on our website about: refrigeration, commercial refrigeration, Costan, CO2

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Editor: Amanda