AEFYT joined the Alliance for Dual FP

Wed Feb 09 11:13:55 CST 2022 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 314

AEFYT joined the Alliance for Dual FP. At the event, held at its headquarters in Madrid by the Bertelsmann Foundation, the entity has committed to promoting Dual Vocational Training among its associated companies, considering it a necessary model to guarantee generational change in the refrigeration and air conditioning sectors .

"The refrigeration sector is in a situation in which the demand for operators by companies is greater than the supply, which limits its growth and even its future. Added to this is the need for a generational change, because the average age of our staff is 40 years old", said Susana Rodríguez, president of AEFYT.

For this reason, she has highlighted that one of the main challenges of the association is to incorporate new professionals into the sector to guarantee its continuity in the most efficient way possible. "Our profession is based on experience and, now, given the great need for technological capabilities, we understand that the most powerful vehicle for transferring knowledge is Dual Vocational Training", he said before pointing out that this model could be the "lever" that solves the problems of the sector.

Along these lines, AEFYT has promoted collaboration between air conditioning and refrigeration associations for the development at the national level of Dual FP in these areas in order to "take advantage of synergies for the future of the sector". "Our intention is to lead a movement in our companies to help them be part of this training, since it will undoubtedly bring positive results to their businesses and to the sector as a whole," Rodríguez insisted.

On the other hand, he considered that joining the Alliance for Dual Vocational Training will allow them to acquire the necessary knowledge to attract young talent and promote this modality in a sector in which there is hardly any experience with it: "Undoubtedly, bringing young to a profession that is so much in demand in the labor market is beneficial for their personal growth and the development of the country's industry.On the other hand, it is a very fragmented sector, with a presence throughout the Spanish territory, which is an advantage in creating core job".

Rodríguez has also highlighted that this shared training between educational centers and companies will allow the preparation of technicians to be "more adapted to the realities of companies and to the skills necessary to carry out their functions".

Juan José Juárez, senior project manager of the Bertelsmann Foundation and territorial manager in Madrid, presented him with the membership plaque and underlined the "key role" that AEFYT must play as an association, acting as a "link" between companies and centers educational; something that becomes even more necessary in a sector "facing the lack of qualified profiles".

"You are fundamental in reaching out to companies, identifying their needs and making them trust in this model that makes it possible to find qualified profiles and fight against youth unemployment", he concluded.

Editor: Amanda