Aermec at AHR EXPO 2022

Mon Dec 27 13:13:56 CST 2021 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 7386

Aermec together with Mits Air Conditioning, its exclusive distributor for North America, will participate in AHR EXPO 2022, which this year will take place in Las Vegas from January 31st to February 2nd.

Aermec will present many innovative solutions for residential, tertiary and industrial applications specifically designed for the North American market: NYBI, the most compact modular air/water chiller now also with inverter compressors and fans; NYK, the reversible air/water heat pump with a modular concept for 2 and 4-pipe systems, exceptionally noiseless thanks to its inverter fans; the high-efficiency NRG chiller, and CPS, the new multi-purpose plug and play unit with multiple temperature levels.

The new fan coils of the FCZ series are featured as well, including the models with the MZC System, the multi-zone plenum that allows you to manage and control an entire ducted system, the latest innovative active chilled beams of the EHT series, and much more. Booths North All N7941.

Editor: Amanda