EU refrigerant prices continue to decline

Mon Apr 29 10:00:56 CST 2019 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 8286

Refrigerant prices across Europe continue to decline after the steep rises seen in the first half of 2018. 

While prices are still high compared to the period 2014-2017, latest figures revealed by the German environmental group Öko-Recherche report further decreases in the first quarter of 2019. In addition, no refrigerant shortages are now being reported.

Price developments at service company level

The figures were revealed by Öko-Recherche at this month’s F-gas stakeholder meeting in Brussels. Öko-Recherche monitors F-gas price activity on behalf of the European Commission’s directorate-general for climate action, DG Clima.

Julia Kleinschmidt of Öko-Recherche confirmed that 2018 was split into two parts, with strong price rises in the first half of the year with price decreases in Q3 and Q4

The latest survey respondents, which included OEMS and service companies, pinpointed residual quota quantities in Q4, stockpiling in previous years, increased care in handling refrigerants, a switch to lower GWP alternatives and illegal trade as possible reasons for the decrease.

Editor: Alina Lee