The Kälte Eckert Academy will start for the first time in 2021

Mon Nov 08 09:01:13 CST 2021 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 1331

Kälte Eckert Group present first Kälte Eckert Academy, a wide variety of seminars and forums for in order to be able to offer the broadest and most interesting spectrum possible for training and further education as well as exchange of experience.

"The fact that this first calendar of events can be presented today is primarily thanks to the commitment and commitment of our lecturers. Only through their specialist lectures and training courses can our project take on the right shape. We would also like to thank our employees who have taken on the structures and organization of this new project. We would also like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to those employees who showed their commitment and ideas for the variety of programs and the framework conditions.

In particular, Prof. Dr. We would like to thank Michael Kauffeld sincerely. With him we were able to win a very experienced academy director. We are sure that Prof. Kauffeld with his technical expertise will give us excellent ideas and impetus for the implementation of future refrigeration systems," - said in company.

File in German

Editor: Amanda