Epta closes four Italian factories

Thu Mar 26 16:15:32 CST 2020 Source: coowor.com Collect Reading Volume: 5204

Commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturer Epta has suspended activities in its four Italian factories in line with government orders to cease all non-essential activities to combat the spread of coronavirus.

The closure is in force until April 3, but the company’s after-sales, service department and spare parts division will continue to operate to guarantee the necessary support to customers.

The Epta factory in Hendaye France is currently delivering finished products, and its UK factory in Bradford is working with limited capacity. 

All other plants worldwide are operative, the company says. In addition, all functions not directly linked to manufacturing – including Epta’s HQ in Milan – continue to operate with smart working solutions. 

“The support and dedication that we are  seeing in these days from our employees and stakeholders make us confident that soon we will return stronger than before,” the Epta says in a message to customers. 

Meanwhile, the company’s facility in Qingdao in the Shangdong province of China, is now getting back to business normality, Epta says.

Editor: Nina Li