Secop expands its the new range covers SCE compressors

Wed Nov 20 17:52:46 CST 2019 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 16290

Secop expands its successful energy-optimized propane (R290) compressors program with more SCE compressors. 

The new SCE range covers a wider range of applications. You will get a compressor with a lower displacement for current applications, or you can run larger applications with our higher capacity options. 
A GWP of 3 - achievable with our powerful efficient SCE compressors, designed for LBP/MBP.

SCE Features:

Multiple voltages – Available for all markets
Propane (R290) – Ready for new refrigerant regulations
Improved efficiency – Ready for efficiency labelling programs
Reduced noise level – Silent operation
SC compatible dimensions/connections – No changes in installation

Editor: Nina Li