Carrier to offer R513A-ready containers

Thu Feb 08 13:12:22 CST 2018 Source: Collect Reading Volume: 900

SINGAPORE: Carrier Transicold is to introduce its PrimeLINE container units with the capability to switch to the lower GWP refrigerant R513A. 

Availability of the R513A-ready PrimeLINE units are anticipated in the first quarter of this year, with conversion kits becoming available later in the year.

“Phasedowns of traditional HFC refrigerants due to their higher GWP have raised concerns about their future availability and pricing, and some of our customers have indicated an interest in using R513A as an alternative,” said Willy Yeo, director of marketing, global container refrigeration.

R513A blends the HFO R1234yf with 44% of traditional refrigerant R134a. It has a GWP of 631, compared to R134a’s GWP of 1430.

The 513A-ready units feature a new digital scroll compressor designed for use with R513A, as well as R134a. The units will be sold with R134a, enabling customers to switch to R513A at a time of their own choosing. Conversions require a simple kit that includes a software update and replacement filter dryer.


Editor: 陈斯