West Africa HVAC Expo 2017 Is Coming Soon

Mon Jul 03 11:19:29 CST 2017 Source: coowor.com Collect Reading Volume: 1604


13 – 15 JULY 2017

Landmark Centre

Victoria Island, Lagos / NIGERIA


West Africa HVAC Expo Prepares to Be the Best Place for HVAC Sector in Africa.

International Heating, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Installation System, Water Treatment and Insulation Exhibition, Nigeria HVAC Expo will be held from 13-15 July 2017 at the Landmark Center in Victoria Island, Lagos.

Heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, installation system, water treatment and insulation sectors have shown growth potentials in Africa. Demands increase and this reflects on import and foreign investments. 

HVAC Expo will be the best platform to meet target segments for both companies existing already in the African Market and the new ones that want to be in the Africa market. Exhibitors from different countries and visitors from not only Nigeria but also other countries in Africa and the world come together in HVAC Expo during 3 day period, 13-15th, July.

Moreover, this important event gives opportunity to see the latest developments, trends, and technologies in this sector from all over the world, with different exhibitors from U.S.A to Germany, China, India, etc. Participating companies, with our platform can reach wholesalers, dealers, etc. to present their products and make business partnership agreement.

HVAC Expo that organizes a platform with sectorial basis offers wide range of product to its visitors. Visitor can examine the product for different segments. Besides that, they can also make comparison of product, services and prices and find best alternative for them in HVAC Expo. During the exhibition, special events and discounts await visitors.

Latest Technological Knowledge will be shared in the workshops

Workshops and educational seminars will be organized for engineers in HVAC Expo. Engineers and technicians who attend the workshops and seminars can develop themselves with learning latest technologies during the exhibition. Given certificates and information to attendees will be good outcomes for their portfolios. 

If you want to be a part of this lucrative project please visit Nigeria HVAC Expo on 13-15 July in Landmark Centre, Victoria Island. 

Coowor is sending a team to participate in this great show and brings you live market news from this promising market. 

Editor: Davidwen